Meggan's Professional Photography Website

Meggan's Professional Photography Website
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March 21, 2012

Another round of fun over the last month or so:)

Dinner with Brooke, Peter, Matine, baby ? and the animals!
Amazing spaghetti pie for dinner - delish!!
Fun to catch up with friends we haven't seen in long while!
and the entertainment of the evening - sweet Matine:)

Dinner with Jenny and Josh!
Brody playing in a dishwasher for the first time:)

Skype call with Uncle Jonathan and Uncle Dale!
Fun catch up with them after Jonathan's return from
his work trip to China.
Brody will enjoy these Skype displays soon enough:)

Abby and I have enjoyed some Zumba classes a few times in the last month and
dinner with the families afterward! Here is another fabulous meal
that Lee cooked up!!

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